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About manifests

Sample OSBuild manifests

OSBuild manifests are YAML files where you define and customize your OS image with the following specifications:

  • Included repositories and RPMs
  • Enabled services
  • Configurations of the hostname configuration or time zone
  • Stages that modify the file system of the image

The images/ directory in your local clone of the sample-images/ repository contains OSBuild manifest files, indicated by the mpp.yml extension. The mpp.yml files contain the instructions, or OSBuild stages, to create new OS images.

Available sample manifests

The Automotive SIG provides the following sample manifests for you to use as you experiment with AutoSD:

  1. container.mpp.yml

    Use this sample container manifest to experiment with the configurations on how to to install and run a containerized application.

  2. containerperf.mpp.yml

    Use this sample containerperf manifest to experiment with performance test configurations for containers, such as load and stress tests.

  3. developer.mpp.yml

    Use this sample developer manifest as an example of how to configure your development environment. It contains metadata,tools and dependencies useful for doing development work with AutoSD.

  4. encrypted.mpp.yml

    Use this sample encryption manifest to experiment on how to set up an encnryted disk using Linux Unified Key Setups (LUKS) with automotive-image-builder.

  5. gadget.mpp.yml

    Use this sample gadget manifest to turn Raspberry Pi 4 into a USB gadget with a non-OSTree AutoSD image that you can use, without putting the PI on your corporate network.

  6. minimal.mpp.yml

    Use this sample minimal manifest as an example of how to configure a foundation for development environments. It contains the minimum and most essential settings required for an image to function properly without additional complexity.

  7. ocibased.mpp.yml

    Use this Open Container Initiative (OCI)-based sample manifest to experiment on how to use automotive-image-builder with a bootc.

  8. qmcontainer.mpp.yml

    Use this QM container manifest to experiment on how to use ASIL B and QM mixed criticality with containers in the QM partition.

  9. rollbackalttarget.mpp.yml

    Use this OSTree-based manifest to experiment with the ostree-rollback-to-rescue RPM package.

  10. upgrade-demo.mpp.yml

    Use this upgrade-demo sample manifest to experiment with unattended update and automatic fallback features from OSTree, the external watchdog, and greenboot health checks.

For more information about working with manifest files, see Embedding RPM packages in the AutoSD image.