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Getting started on Linux

Getting started on Linux

Set up your development environment with the prerequisite tools and repositories you need to quickly start building AutoSD images in either a preconfigured container or a virtual machine (VM).


Quick start: Building AutoSD images

You can use the preconfigured AutoSD development container as a lightweight base development environment if you want to build an AutoSD image without launching and configuring a development VM.


  1. Install Podman 5:

    1. If your host is CentOS Stream, Fedora Linux, or RHEL, run the following command:

      console sudo dnf install podman

    2. If your host is Ubuntu, run the following command:

      console sudo apt-get install podman

  2. Navigate to the sample-images/ directory within your local clone of the AutoSD sample-images repository:

    console cd sample-images

  3. Build an image with the script:

    console sudo ./ build --target qemu --export qcow2 images/developer.mpp.yml my-image.qcow2

    In this example, include the images/developer.mpp.yml OSBuild manifest file to build a developer image. The developer image has a number of utilities installed for development purposes. You can view the available sample manifests in sample-images/images, and you can create your own manifest that contains your custom configurations. For more information about the sample manifests, see Sample OSBuild manifests. For more information about creating a custom manifest, see Deploying software on AutoSD.

    The build command takes a variety of inputs:

    • Use --target to set the target environment. The default is qemu. Use qemu to build an image that you can launch in a QEMU virtual machine. Run --list-targets to view the list of available options.
    • Use --distro to define the package repository that you want to use for the image build. The default is CentOS Stream 9 (cs9). Run --list-dist to view the list of available options. You can also extend this list with your own custom distribution. For more information, see distributions.
    • Use --export to set the export file format. Run --list-exports to view the list of available options.
    • Use --mode to set the type of OS image. This can be package, to build a package-based operating system image, or image to build an OSTree image. For development and testing purposes, use package. For production, use image.

    You can also include command-line overrides for certain parameters. For syntax and a full list of overrides, see Overriding variables from the command line.

Quick start: Booting prebuilt AutoSD images in a QEMU VM

A virtualized AutoSD development environment is similar to a AutoSD production environment. The virtualized platform is useful for building and testing applications intended to run on a AutoSD system or to build new AutoSD images that you can flash onto automotive hardware or use on other systems.

Download and uncompress a prebuilt AutoSD operating system (OS) image, and then launch a VM from the image. This VM is your development environment, where you can customize and build your own AutoSD images.

All prebuilt AutoSD images can be found in the nightly repo. The repo features both x86_64 and aarch64 architecture images. To explore the sample images, see sample images.


  1. Install QEMU.

    1. If your host is CentOS Stream, Fedora Linux, or RHEL, run the following command:

      console sudo dnf install qemu

    2. If your host is Ubuntu, run the following command:

      console sudo apt-get install qemu-system

  2. Identify the name of the latest nightly image for your host architecture, and store the value in a variable called AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME.


    The Automotive SIG uploads images every day using unique build IDs, which causes the name of the image to change frequently. These commands use the RPM-based developer AutoSD sample image for x86_64 as an example, but you can modify the commands to retrieve the latest nightly for any prebuilt sample image. For more information about available nightly images, their purposes, and their naming conventions, see Sample OS images.

    1. If your host machine has an x86_64 CPU, retrieve the name of the latest x86_64 image:

      console $ export AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME="$(curl | \ grep -oE 'auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-x86_64-([0-9]+)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+)\.qcow2\.xz' | \ head -n 1)"

    2. If your host machine has an aarch64 SoC, retrieve the name of the latest aarch64 image:

      console $ export AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME="$(curl | \ grep -oE 'auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-aarch64-([0-9]+)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+)\.qcow2\.xz' | \ head -n 1)"

  3. Download the image:

    console curl -o autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2.xz$AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME

  4. Uncompress the compressed .xz image file:

    console xz -d autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2.xz

  5. To launch a VM from the image, run the automotive-image-runner script from the the automotive-image-builder directory of your local clone of the AutoSD sample-images repository:

    console cd sample-images/automotive-image-builder sudo ./automotive-image-runner <path>/autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2

  6. Log in as the root user with the default password, password.


    To enable ssh access, you must set PasswordAuthentication yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Then you can access the machine with ssh -p 2222 -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" guest@localhost.

Quick start: Building customized AutoSD images in a QEMU VM

Repeat the procedure in Quick start: Booting prebuilt AutoSD images in a QEMU VM, to download and run the latest nightly developer image, which has extra storage compared to the other sample images. Then, expand the disk size, so you can use the automotive-image-builder tool to create customized system images using your custom manifest .mpp.yml file.

For more information about the preconfigured manifest files the Automotive SIG provides as starter examples you can modify, see the Sample OSBuild manifests.

For more in-depth information about how to package your applications and embed them in a customized manifest you can then use to generate your customized OS image, see Packaging applications with RPM and Embedding RPM packages in the AutoSD image sections.


  • The latest nightly autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2 image


  1. Extend the virtual disk of your .qcow2 development image, so that you have enough space to build your custom AutoSD images and facilitate your development work.

    1. On the host, resize your development image. In this example, set the disk size to 30G, which is 30GiB:

      console qemu-img resize autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2 30G

  2. Launch your virtual AutoSD development environment:

    console cd sample-images/automotive-image-builder ./automotive-image-runner <path>/autosd9-dev-reg-x86_64.qcow2

  3. Log in with the root user and the default password, password.


    To enable ssh access, you must set PasswordAuthentication yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Then you can access the machine with ssh -p 2222 -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" guest@localhost.

  4. Change to the root user. The root user password is also password:

    console su -

  5. Install the parted partition management tool to extend the file system:

    console dnf -y install parted

    1. Run parted to extend the size of /dev/vda:

      console parted /dev/vda

    2. Resize the /dev/vda3 partition to fill the space available to that partition:

      console (parted) resizepart 3 100%

    3. Exit the parted tool:

      console (parted) quit

    4. Enlarge the file system:

      console resize2fs /dev/vda3

  6. Clone the AutoSD sample-images repository in your development VM.

    console git clone --recursive

  7. In your development VM, create a custom OSBuild manifest file that you can configure according to your requirements:

    console vim my-manifest.mpp.yml


    The Automotive SIG provides several sample manifest files in sample-images/images/ you can reference. For more information about available sample images, see Sample OS images. To view an example customized manifest, see Sample customized OSBuild manifest. For more details about how to build and customize images, see Deploying software on AutoSD and Embedding RPM packages in the AutoSD image.

  8. Build the OS image from your custom my-manifest.mpp.yml. In this example, build a qcow2 format for the qemu target so that you can launch your image in a VM:

    console cd sample-images ./ build --target qemu --export <file_type> my-manifest.mpp.yml my-image.qcow2


    For more information about the export file types automotive-image-builder supports, see Export formats in the automotive-image-builder options section.

    For more information about image naming conventions, see AutoSD sample images.

  9. Exit the VM and export the image file to the host:

    console scp -P 2222 "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" guest@localhost:/home/guest/sample-images/my-image.qcow2 .

  10. On the host, launch a VM from your new image:

    console ./automotive-image-runner my-image.qcow2

For more information about how to build your own customized AutoSD images, see Building and running your customized OS image.