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Getting Help

Getting Help

Below are suggestions on where you can seek help on CentOS.

Use man and other tools within CentOS

The distribution has a full complement of man and info pages. Each package may have additional documentation, which should be considered authoritative. You can see what documentation a package has on your installation by running:

rpm -qd <package name>

You can query additional packages via the DNF package manager. See the dnf man page for more details.

Where to File Bugs

TODO include all the different places to file bugs

Web Documentation

You can chat with us Matrix. You can see a list of rooms at CentOS Matrix space.

Mailing lists

The CentOS Project runs several mailing lists on which you can ask your questions or help other people with the questions they have. All of our public mailing lists can be found at the CentOS Mailing Lists Page. CentOS developers as well as many long time Linux and CentOS users are on the lists.


The CentOS Category on the Fedora Discourse gives you a place to ask questions about CentOS and receive help from community members. Please note you will be held to the CentOS Code of Conduct when posting.