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Unlike CentOS SIGs, CentOS Stream has its own buildsystem, its own sources, and its own release pipeline.

What's interesting is that Red Hat's internal setup for building Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) works basically same way, and the two build systems are in sync (as illustrated below). RHEL maintainers work in CentOS Stram first, and both the sources and builds are mirrored internally. This means that CentOS Stream is truly the place where RHEL gets put together in public.

Building CS and RHEL together


CentOS Stream has its own dedicated buildsystem, the CentOS Stream Koji. Only RHEL maintainers are allowed to build in this buildsystem.


Every build passes through automated gating tests. Right now, these tests are run internally to Red Hat.

You can follow any build by observing its tags in Koji. These are, in order:

  1. c10s-gate - This is where all builds land immediately after they're built.
  2. c10s-candidate - Builds which passed gating tests land here.
  3. c10s-pending - Builds in this tag have passes gating and all the necessary processes in Red Hat and are ready to be signed and released.
  4. c10s-pending-signed - Signing is done. Builds are released directly from this tag. (See the Release section for more info!)

Other tags:

  • c10s-build - This is the buildroot. It inherits packages from the c10s-pending tag.
  • c10s-released - The release system automatically applies this to all builds that got released.

Note that the c10s part means CentOS Stream 10, and can also be c9s for CentOS Straem 9 etc.

See an example bash build which has all the tags for reference.